Emergency & Helpful Details

Police, Fire, Ambulance 000
(For life threatening emergencies only)
SES 132 500
(Damaged roof, fallen trees & house flooding on private properties)
Energex 136 262
(For power outages and issues)
Police Link 131 444
(Police assistance in non-life threatening situations)
Animal and Pest Services 3412 5397
(For lost animals & pets. Assistance from Logan City Council)
Queensland Health 13 HEALTH or 13 43 2584
(For non-urgent health advice)
Radio River 94.9FM, ABC 612AM & 101FM
(Tune into radio for the latest emergency updates)
Road Reports 131 940
(Main road closures – Department of Transport & Main Roads)
Bureau of Meteorology 1300 659 219
(For forecasts and weather warnings. bom.gov.au)
(inc. When to stay or evacuate)
  • Radio, torch, and spare batteries
  • Water and non-perishable food (for 3+ days)
  • Medications list and medication (for 3+ days)
  • Toiletries, baby formula, and nappies
  • Important documents (inc. insurance policies and identification)
  • Mobile phone and charger
  • Pet Management Plan
  • Suitable clothing

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